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Footprint: Environmental Leader Insider Knowledge 2011 Report

March 6, 2011

Our recent CSO commentary in EL’s Insider Report:

“The profile for Sustainability Officer has changed.

He or she is no longer the most ‘environmental’ team member [EHS, env. engineer, env. counsel], but now more likely the smartest strategist in the room who can also lead and influence. Charisma and political capital of the executive sponsor is hugely important, for better or worse. We find that technical and ‘scientific’ sustainability competency [i.e. being an LCA expert] is becoming less important, and viewed as a function that can be brought on in a contract or consulting capacity.



Newly-created roles are rarely being titled as ‘CSO,’ but typically more Manager/Director-level; this is especially so in highly-conservative, mid-market organizations that still view sustainability as a political hot button issue, continue to associate ‘green’ with ‘liberal,’ and have not yet seen the solid ROI that comes along with sustainability initiatives. 


Compensation is all over the place, but we have found that companies are willing to pay somewhere in the 20-30% above-market range for even very junior sustainability leaders. Classic supply and demand, we suppose.”


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  1. March 6, 2011 10:11 pm

    Makes perfect sense to me – the part about finding the best strategist, leader… this has been about business all along, so why not find the best “business” person for the job? Glad to see this turn, as it shows commitment, not fickleness. (And, yes, they still have to have excellent communication skills, but those are required for strategy and leadership anyway.)

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